
Basic Photography Tips

The more you know about photography the better your photos will be. This post is going to give you some basic photography tips for helping you turn your amateur pics into more professional-looking photos.

  1. Clean your lens – make sure you always keep your lens clean and smudge-free. You can usually purchase a camera cleaning kit for cheap. Make sure it comes with a cleaning solution, microfiber cloths, air blower, and a lens brush.
  2. Enable grid lines – this helps keep the horizon level and helps with the placement of your subject.
  3. Use leading lines – using something like a road or river can help guide your eyes.
  4. Avoid zoom – zooming in means you lose quality in your photo, making it pixelated. Use crop instead.
  5. Perspective – get creative by shooting up, down or sideways. Get on the ground. Climb up higher. Look for a natural frame, such as, arches, doorways, trees, etc.
  6. Purchase External Clip-on lens – when you purchase these, more than likely, they will come in a set. Usually a macro & wide-angle lens.
  7. Keep phone steady – a simple way of doing this, use a tripod.
  8. Make use of the golden hour – 1 hour before sunrise & 1 hour before sunset
  9. Take multiple shots – self-explanatory.

Practicing some of these simple basic photography tips can really change the way you shoot. You will definitely see a difference in your photos. And as I like to say, Practice, practice, practice!

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